Corporate Event Marketing: Events that Build Relationships

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Corporate Event Marketing: Events that Build Relationships

Somewhere along the way – probably about 10 years back – I was told we (Wilsonwest) needed a “tag line”. With this came a new website and logo. Nine months later (sort of like giving birth), we had a new look, a new website, and our first tag line: Driving Relationships through High Touch Events. That tag line was tossed in 2008 on or around the slump in the Dow Jones and just about everything else in the economy. Why? Well, “High Touch” just didn’t seem right when corporate event marketing budgets were being slashed. We have always been about the relationship side of the event business, so we decided that Events that Build Relationships was a bit easier on the palate. It’s more like our personality and not too slick. And, yes, it does ring true to the heart of our work.

I am sure a lot of us wonder if our clients and partners even pay attention to these things: tag lines. Well, I do know that some of them do. Just last week I was talking to someone I admire and that we are doing corporate event planning for, and she was responding to the suggestions I was making and the event marketing services we had ahead of us. At one point of time, she said, “I get it! You ARE all about Events that Build Relationships”. She had read the tag line in my e-mail signature for months. She thanked me for pushing her to share more about the people who mattered so that we could help create the event that would help build on those relationships.

So when I hit “send” on a proposal earlier this week – a proposal that included that tag line in its design – I felt confident that at the heart of our work was both a truth and a commitment to our promise.

Cindy Wilson

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