Just Past the Pain Point

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Just Past the Pain Point


I’m an avid road cyclist and often do long distance charity rides. These can be multi-day events that cover hundreds of miles. Every time I’m on one of these long rides, I enter into a near meditative state and my thoughts invariably go to the parallels between cycling and life. Faced with a daunting long and steep climb up a mountain, the same thoughts enter my consciousness.

Why am I doing this? This wasn’t a good idea; I don’t have the stamina to make it.


Yet somehow as soon as the crest of the hill is in sight it all lifts and my mood is boosted to one of elation and a sense of calm and of knowing that everything will be all right.

I find that these moments are found in life as well, where the best moments often lie just beyond the tough stretches. I suppose this makes the good times all the more sweet. It’s easy to see this cycle in any creative endeavor and I definitely see it in event production. Just as the task at hand and the logistics appear overwhelming and the walls are closing in, everything comes together and all the doubts and anxiety magically lift.

As Cindy, our company’s president says, “Never run”. I like the saying a lot and it’s good advice whether planning an event or mid climb on a 100 mile ride.

Jeff Briggs
Event Producer

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