
[caption id="attachment_1325" align="alignright" width="300"] Chef Bashford at The Sanctuary[/caption] In our last blog, we discussed how table settings can impact your goals and the atmosphere at your corporate event. When corporate event planning, the menu you choose can do the same, especially when designed around building...

[caption id="attachment_1322" align="alignright" width="200"] Table setting.[/caption] How do you design an event for people used to having the “best of the best?” Who’ve seen it all, done it all? Recently, we faced just this challenge. And we knew we weren’t going to bowl over this sophisticated...

[caption id="attachment_1291" align="alignright" width="300"] Staging in the Round[/caption] In my last blog about relationship building at corporate events, I mentioned the importance of environment. How do you design an environment that facilitates conversations? The answer depends on who you’re trying to build relationships between. One event that...

A few weeks ago, I participated in a webcast hosted by the Washington Speaker’s Bureau. It was a great opportunity to see a live presentation by one of their featured speakers, Tom Morris. Morris has become one of the most active public philosophers in the...

This is one of the underlying principals in what we call The WILSONWEST Way: our approach to the design, development, and execution of corporate event services. By following this powerful and simple corporate event planning strategy: we listen to our clients, ask lots of questions,...

M.F.K. Fisher's How to Cook a Wolf spoke to a nation at war and in the throes of rationing during WW II: a time when many felt the proverbial wolf at the door. But its central message, extolling the virtues of simplicity, still resonates today....

I absolutely love this little poem and hope you will too. Here’s to the 4th of July, barbecues, friends, a nap in the hammock and to total disregard of to-do lists, goals and behaving. Have fun. Today Today I will not live up to my potential....

In the event world, environments are really important. You know: that feeling you get when you’re in a great restaurant, the lighting is perfect, the service unobtrusive, and the space well designed. All of these things support conversation and put your guests at...