Labor Day Musings…Courtesy of Ferris Bueller

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Labor Day Musings…Courtesy of Ferris Bueller

As the Industrial Revolution took hold of the nation, the average American in the late-1800s worked 12-hour days, seven days a week in order to make a basic living. Children were also working, providing cheap labor to employers as laws against child labor were weak and not strongly enforced.

Labor Day is meant as a celebration of the labor movement and its achievements. But it has come to be celebrated as the last, long summer weekend before Autumn.

In the spirit of honoring both the traditional and modern Labor Day celebrations, let us tip our hats to Ferris Bueller. Take a day off, turn off your Blackberry, and enjoy a 12-hour day of anything but work.

“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” – Ferris Bueller


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