Year End: Profit and Loss

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Year End: Profit and Loss

Doing good work that matters, with people we care about. That’s profit

Building community. That’s profit

Earning Trust. That’s profit

Providing Value. That’s profit

Having Fun. Yes, that’s profit, and an added bonus


Well, it’s focusing on the numbers at the expense of all this good stuff. I was once advised that if the bottom line and numbers did not drive my business, well, then it was merely just “a hobby.” I balked at the time. I am still balking, and both happy and proud to say the company I founded has been profitable for 25 years.

As the year comes to a close I am grateful to have beside me a roster of thoughtful clients and trusted team members.  Oh, and the numbers people are happy too.

Wishing you much prosperity in the coming year,

Cindy Wilson

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