Never Run

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Never Run


One of my commandments here at Wilsonwest is…


We are event producers. We deal with change, challenges, drama, divas, surprises, and even crises. What sets our firm apart is how we handle these challenges.

When you walk around with your hair on fire, the drama rather than the problem solving takes center stage.

With some quick and smart thinking, the challenge is addressed and only a few are even aware there was something amiss.

How do we do this in the moment?

  • Stop
  • Breathe (deeply for a few breaths)
  • Think
  • Look for an opportunity
  • Engage a few others (if possible) in the process
  • Act on the solution with calm and confidence
  • Share the learnings with the team post-event

Never Run. Well…unless the Secret Service tells you so!

Cindy Wilson

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